Русский Размер Весь Мир 320


The group “Russkij Razmer” was formed in 1991. Nowadays it works and tours and it`s contact telephone (812) 9282771.The organizers and the first group members were two friends - Dmitriy Kopotilov and Viktor Bondaryuk. Being occupied in different collectives, merging into one, and finding themselves again in the creative search, they persisted on realizing their dream. Viktor being the student of a construction technical school learned the techniques of playing drums.


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Dmitriy mastered playing bass guitar at the age of 15 being a school-boy, and later learned to play keyboards. In 1990 living in Kustanay (north Kazakhstan ) D. Kopotilov recorded the phonograms for demonstration of two songs for the new project planned by him. One of them, “Hello America ”, soon in 1991 was recorded with a new vocalist at the sound record studio of “LenNauchFilm” in Saint Petersburg.

Весь этот мир. (1994 - 2010), mp3, 320. Здесь представлена дискография группы Русский Размер. Прослушать онлайн песню Русский Размер - Весь Этот Мир, Я Придумала Сама в плеере бесплатно.

By this record “Russkij Razmer”opened the diskography. Working at it the duet of voices of Bondaryuk and Kopotilov was created, and it`s sound became easy knowable on any disk of “Russkij Razmer”. Then, in a studio “LNF” they continued to work with other material. During the period of the first steps of group the author of music and texts was D.

The song “UAU” appeared which became the visiting-card of group for a long time. Their first club concerts were given in House of Culture ( named in honour of “First Five-year”), which is at the present days already blasted for building at this place the new Mariinskiy theater of opera and ballet. Besides records and club work participants were carry out producer activity on advancement of group. A lot of time was spent searching.

The minutes of despair happened. In one of such periods Bondaryuk abandoned “Russkij Razmer” and left to Germany with other musical group. The membership of the group at that moment was:. А. Тюрин (A.Turin) - guitar.

Д. Хиль (D.Hil) - key, programming, vocal. Д. Копотилов (D.Kopotilov) - key, producer. С. Куницына (S.Kunicina) - vocal After a while Bondaryuk returned to St- Petersburg and the musicians of group decided to take him back in the complement of “Russkij Razmer”.In March 1993, in a sporting-concert complex Ubileiniy a large concert took place with the claim name «Russkij Razmer collects friends». Many bright stars of Russian stage took part in that concert: Arkadiy Ukupnik, Alena Apina, Natalia Vetlitskaya, Tat'yana Ovsienko, “Stars” of Natalia Gul'kina, Sergey Chumakov, Lika Star, “Little prince”, “Kommisar”, “Stella”, “Dens of machines”, “Fairy” of Svetlana Razina, Vadim Kazachenko, the group “Na-na”, Vladimirskaya, Roma Zhukov, Lada Dens, Carolina, a concert conducted Igor Seliverstov.

Producer was Sergey Chernikh. The first replicated album of “Russkij Razmer” was recorded together with Vadim Volodin, a famous Russian sound-arranger and producer.

The work was carried out in Moscow. The director was Sergey Chernikh (later - the presenter of a musical television program «Tele-Compact»). Since 1994 “Russkij Razmer” was a participant of numerous, musical television programs. The video for the song 'Batman' (the album 'UAU' ) reached hit places on the top charts (video clip dir.

By Dedenev B., arrangement and sound Vadim Volodin ). Aesthetics of fantasy of the beginning of ХХth century became the basis of the stage image of the group. And stage suits, made in 30th years style, were sewn on Kopotilov`s sketches, who did not hide the infatuation for this genre in his modern embodiment. This suits were used on the cover of the first album “UAU”, during the record of the clip with the same name and on the concerts of the group. The concerts of touring in Russia world stars (“Army of Lovers”, Haddaway, La Toya Jackson. ) began the group “Russkij Razmer”. In 1995 the album “Davay-davay” (Come on!

Come on!) of humorous versions of the hits of the Russian stage appeared, in collaboration with “Professor Lebedinskiy”. Great success had this joint project in Russia. At the same time the album “Meow” (club line special) was released on label “Electric Records” with tracks recorded between the events of the club life. A young radio-DJ Dmitry Nagiev (now a popular TV showman, theatre and cinema actor) actively promoted the group's new compositions in a creative unity. In 1995 the group's female vocalist Angela left the group for her solo career. In 1997 a master-choreographer Yulia Koshelyova from Novosibirsk joined the group.

The song “Suburban blues” of famous Russian musician Mike Naumenko (Zoo) was recorded in collaboration with a group “Chihz and Co.”, (Siskin and Co.) for participating in a television battle the «Musical Ring» and for their joint tour. In the same time the album 'Are we dance?' Reached America and Europe ( for a note: the internet at that time was in the rudimentary state. Albums to America were delivered by airplanes ). From that moment “Russkij Razmer” actively gave foreign tours (in the period of 1997-2009 the group performed in America ). The Song 'Angel of the Day' and the video (dir. Igudin and A.Tikhonov) again brought the group to the high places in top-charts.

Since 1999 the voice of Eleonora could be heard from the scene and albums. Alexander Borisov, the sound engineer, constantly workes with the group. “Russkij Razmer” with the group E-Type toured Russia with great success. Joint songs were recorded with some Russian stars. The albums 'OUT' (featuring Rodion Chistyakov, the famous club musician in Saint Petersburg ), 'В.В.П.

Восходящие Воздушные Потоки' ( “V.V.P. Ascending airflows' ) were issued. The clips recorded at that time were: “ Here is so! ” (Soloha A.), 'Love', 'Energy De Lus' (club line special), 'Normal evening» (Igudin A., A.Tikhonov), “I am”, 'It was and passed» (“Fly studio”), 'All that world' (R.Razmer.VideoMake!), “ I feel groovy ” (F.Bondarchuk`s studio), 'That is all» (Vedernikov A.) In the Ice Palace in Saint Petersburg a large concert took place in spring 2004 with many stars of the modern Russian stage. This show was devoted to the 30 th anniversary of the group “Russkij Razmer”. In the beginning of 2005 a new member, Igor Lutsenko, appeared in the collective instead of Viktor Bondaryuk, who had left the group.


The foreign tours of “Russkij Razmer” are not limited only with the shores of America. The group is known and welcomed in many European countries- Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, in Germany and Italy, including United Kingdom, Israel In August 2010, the label Kvadrodisk released next album, called '!Listen'. The album includes 16 tracks. Ten original songs and six remixes and cover versions. The album can be purchased online and offline stores.

Some pieces of that songs can be heard on, teg: label Русский Размер on the official site vkontakte Web site existed from 1998. “ Русский Размер ” (“Russkij Razmer” 'Rassian Size') is the registered trademark! The current membership of the group is:. Дмитрий Копотилов ( Dmitriy Kopotilov ) - music, lyrics, vocals. Игорь Луценко ( Igor' Lutsenko ) - music, lyrics, vocals. Элеонора Филимонова ( Eleonora Filimonova ) - vocals. Александр Борисов ( Alexander Borisov ) - sound engineer.

Ирина Ястребова ( Irina Yastrebova ) - director contact telephone: (812)928277 (2010). Группа 'Русский Размер' создана в 1995 году в Санкт-Петербурге. (вышел первый альбом группы - ЮАЮ ZeKo rec.) Одни из пионеров танцевальной, клубной музыки России. О новостях и событиях группы 'Русский Размер', можно узнать на официальном сайте в опции новости. Ниже, вы найдете ВСЕ изданные альбомы группы Русский Размер В группе ' Русский Размер' участвуют: Элеонора Филимонова Дмитрий Копотилов Игорь Луценко Александр Толзак (звукооператор) Ирина Ястребова (директор) +1 Подпишитесь на наш WEB-канал здесь: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =.

Русский размер & Размер Project - Дискография (19 альбомов+2 сборника) Жанр: Pop Techno Dance Год выпуска диска: 1990-2012 Производитель диска: Россия Аудио кодек: MP3 Тип рипа: tracks Битрейт аудио: все альбомы 320 kbps, Капитан купер - 160kbps Продолжительность: 19:18:44 Внимание. Все вопросы, по поводу: 'А где этот трек или тот?' Которые не выходили у группы в Альбомах, я отвечаю однозначно: 'В данной раздаче все альбомы в 320kbps и если у вас имеется недостающий материал в 320kbps, то предоставьте его мне я без проблем добавлю его в раздачу.'

My Moscow love 02. Делаю шаг 03. Забирай (feat. С.Карпов) 04.

Денис Мурзин) 06. Люди-одиночки (feat. Денис Мурзин) 07. Падает снег 08. Не нужен (feat. Pavel Popov (front)) 09.

Вспоминай меня (feat. Макс Короваев) 10. Моя станция секс 11. Два шага (feat. Денис Мурзин) 13. Da mas alagremente 14.!!!Россия рулит!!! Люди клоны 16.

Танцуют все 17. Там где живут звезды (Делаю шаг next step) 18. Забирай (Hard mix) 19.


В Мир Су

F.k the fashion club line one 20. F.k the fashion club line two bonus. Korn3000 Для решение данной проблемы нужно проделать следующее: 1. Убедиться что анитивирус не блокирует скачиваемые файлы (проверить можно отключив его и запустив скачку). Также внимательно прочтите тему откуда скачивали файл,если проблема не только у Вас значит скачиваемый файл с вирусом. Убедиться что в фоновом режиме не работают другие программы мешающие загрузки файла (например дефрагментатор файлов, различные фаерволы, антишпионы, программы улучшающие производительность сиситемы) и если таковы имеются, все отключить.

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Русский Размер Весь Мир 320 Кб

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